Fourth call for projects for young researchers - deadline 13.11.2022

The LabEx IGO is launching its fourth internal call for Young Investigators who do not hold any permanent position.
As a reminder, one call is launched every year, from 2020 until 2024, to fund two projects per year.

The aim of this call is to provide small grants (€15K) to young investigators of one of the 20 partner teams of the LabEx IGO to carry out a specific project enabling them to strengthen their CV (for intance before applying to a permanent position). The proposed projects can be either emergent (i.e. demonstrating the proof of concept for a new idea with a leverage effect for further funding) or about a new aspect of a current project (new hypothesis, needs to use an alternative technology, short mobility in order to acquire new technical skills in another laboratory, etc.). The main objective of the LabEx IGO with this call is to significantly support the early career of the researcher.

Please download the full call for proposals here: 2023 call for proposals
Please download he application form here: 2023 application form

Mis à jour le 06 octobre 2022.