Webinar "Organs-on-chip and bio-printing, new models for research" - May 5th 2022, 1pm - 2pm
Le 05 mai 2022false false
We are pleased to invite you to the LabEx IGO webinar "Organs-on-chip and bio-printing, new models for research" which will take place on May 5th online from 1 pm to 2pm
This webinar will host the 2 following talks:
1:00 pm: Production of tumours-on-chip: A balancing act between respect for architecture and controlled heterogeneity
Sophie Lelièvre is Professor Emerita of Cancer Pharmacology at Purdue University (USA) where she was a Professor for 20 years before joining the Institut de Cancérologie de l’Ouest/Integrated Center for Oncology (ICO) in March 2021. She was trained as a veterinarian before entering the world of cancer research at the Gustave Roussy Institute (Villejuif) during her PhD in molecular and cellular pharmacology from the University Pierre & Marie Curie (Paris 6).
She joined Purdue University as a faculty member in 2000, in the department of Basic Medical Sciences, after a postdoctoral tenure in the laboratory of Mina J. Bissell, a leader in extracellular matrix signaling and breast cancer research, in Berkeley, California. In 2008, Sophie Lelièvre was appointed Associate Director for Scientific Collaborations of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research, then in 2017, co-leader of the Molecular Therapy and Detection Program. In addition to her research laboratory focused on the functional organization of the cell nucleus in differentiation and cancer, she created in 2015 a service laboratory in the Birck Nanotechnology Center of Purdue Discovery Park aimed at developing in vitro research models based on human tissue engineering. The creation of this service laboratory was spurred by her extended knowledge of 3D cell culture not only for tumor models but also for models of normal tissue differentiation that are necessary when working on the mechanisms of cancer risk. Sophie Lelièvre's research work was illustrated several times in reports to the U.S. Congress, which funds medical research programs.
At the ICO, Sophie Lelièvre is Director of the Prevention Program 'Gene-Environment Relationships - REGEN' and of the Laboratory 'Sensitivity of Cancers to Treatments - SCAT'. The REGEN program is based on the scientific approach led by the International Breast Cancer & Nutrition (IBCN) Network, which she created in 2010. The goal of the IBCN network is to conduct transdisciplinary projects on primary prevention of cancer by focusing on the environment, community health and the epigenome. The IBCN is endorsed by the World Health Organization and has a mission of research, communication and training in cancer prevention.
1:30 pm: Bioprinting, between dreams and reality (or why you must get your hands dirty)
Franck Halary is a senior scientist at the Centre de Recherche en Transplantation et Immunologie Translationnelle (CR2TI) of Nantes Université. He obtained his PhD in immunology from the University of Nantes in December 1999. He demonstrated that the TCR activation of some human unconventional T cell was controlled by NK cell receptors. Then, he worked on the elucidation of a new cell-specific attachment receptor for the human cytomegalovirus and, in parallel on unconventional T-cell-mediated antiviral immune responses in kidney transplant patients involving gamma-delta T cell subsets. More recently, based on several original studies, he and his colleagues showed that renal myeloid dendritic cells likely contribute to the spread of BK polyomavirus in the post-transplant kidney. At the same time, his research started to shift towards the development of biofabricated experimental models of humanized tissues using bioprinting and organ-on-chip. These models will permit to address yet unsolved questions in immunology and virology. He is currently supervising a workpackage in the BIRDIE project (H2020 FET Open), which aims to combine state-of-the-art organ-on-chip and bioprinting technologies to biofabricate a vascularized human kidney model.
Registration : please click here to register
NB: You will receive the Zoom link at the very bottom of the registration confirmation email sent by "Eventbrite"
We look forward to welcoming you at this event!
This webinar will host the 2 following talks:
1:00 pm: Production of tumours-on-chip: A balancing act between respect for architecture and controlled heterogeneity
She joined Purdue University as a faculty member in 2000, in the department of Basic Medical Sciences, after a postdoctoral tenure in the laboratory of Mina J. Bissell, a leader in extracellular matrix signaling and breast cancer research, in Berkeley, California. In 2008, Sophie Lelièvre was appointed Associate Director for Scientific Collaborations of the Purdue Center for Cancer Research, then in 2017, co-leader of the Molecular Therapy and Detection Program. In addition to her research laboratory focused on the functional organization of the cell nucleus in differentiation and cancer, she created in 2015 a service laboratory in the Birck Nanotechnology Center of Purdue Discovery Park aimed at developing in vitro research models based on human tissue engineering. The creation of this service laboratory was spurred by her extended knowledge of 3D cell culture not only for tumor models but also for models of normal tissue differentiation that are necessary when working on the mechanisms of cancer risk. Sophie Lelièvre's research work was illustrated several times in reports to the U.S. Congress, which funds medical research programs.
At the ICO, Sophie Lelièvre is Director of the Prevention Program 'Gene-Environment Relationships - REGEN' and of the Laboratory 'Sensitivity of Cancers to Treatments - SCAT'. The REGEN program is based on the scientific approach led by the International Breast Cancer & Nutrition (IBCN) Network, which she created in 2010. The goal of the IBCN network is to conduct transdisciplinary projects on primary prevention of cancer by focusing on the environment, community health and the epigenome. The IBCN is endorsed by the World Health Organization and has a mission of research, communication and training in cancer prevention.
1:30 pm: Bioprinting, between dreams and reality (or why you must get your hands dirty)
Registration : please click here to register
NB: You will receive the Zoom link at the very bottom of the registration confirmation email sent by "Eventbrite"
We look forward to welcoming you at this event!
Mis à jour le 01 avril 2022.